14 Frequent Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation occurs when the body becomes infected or injured. This is how the body signals the immune system to repair and heal damaged tissue. Inflammation also helps the body defend itself against bacteria and viruses. Inflammation can become a problem if it occurs in unnecessary areas or persists too long.

Chronic inflammation has been linked to diseases like stroke and heart disease. It can also lead to autoimmune diseases like lupus and arthritis. Physical injury can lead to acute inflammation. It's an inflammation that triggers a short-lived, localized reaction to the source of the problem. People with chronic inflammation can have long-term effects throughout the body. Below are some of the most common symptoms of chronic inflammation.


1. Pain

Pain is one of the most prominent and common symptoms of inflammation in an area of the body. Inflamed areas may be painful to the touch. The inflamed area often becomes stiff and difficult to move. For example, if your knee joint is inflamed, you may not be able to drive your knee the way you should.

Pain from both acute and chronic inflammation can be very severe. The inflamed area is often sensitive to touch. The pain you personally experience is caused by inflammatory chemicals. These chemicals irritate nerve endings. By stimulating the nerve endings, the affected area becomes more sensitive. Pain is a direct result of inflammation, which is your body's way of telling you something is wrong.

2. Hot

Another symptom of chronic inflammation is a warm feeling in one part of the body. People with chronic inflammation feel warmth in inflamed areas of the body simply because more blood is pumped into that area. People with arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, may experience joints that are inflamed and warm to the touch. The skin around the joint may not feel warm at all.

When a person develops a fever, it is called a systemic infection. The body generates heat to fight infection or disease. Fever is one of the body's lines of defense against disease. If the fever gets too high, it can become dangerous. So finding ways to cool your body when the temperature rises is essential.

3. Redness

Inflamed areas of the body may appear red. This is because the blood vessels in the infected area fill with more blood than usual. Red areas are usually where inflammation occurs. Arthritis can cause redness in the joints. You may see red spots on your skin if you have other medical conditions.

The body may just be trying to fight off the infection. Red spots on the skin can also be a sign of an allergic reaction. If you notice red spots on your skin and are having trouble breathing, it is essential to see your doctor immediately, as you are very likely to have an allergic reaction, which can be fatal if not treated right away.

4. Swelling

Another common symptom in people with chronic inflammation is swelling. Swelling occurs when fluid builds up in body tissues. A person with chronic inflammation may notice that specific areas need a bump. For example, people with diabetes often notice swelling in the legs. People with arthritis may notice swelling in their joints.

Sometimes, a person may experience swelling in an area without causing any inflammation. When swelling occurs, it is most often the result of direct steric injury. However, if you are not injured and notice swelling anywhere, you most likely have some inflammation. Your doctor can help you figure out what's causing this particular symptom.

5. Loss of function

Severe inflammation can lead to loss of function in parts of the body. For example, if your knee joint is inflamed, it may be challenging to move correctly. You may not be able to walk until the swelling and pain subside. A respiratory infection can cause the lungs to swell. In this case, breathing difficulties may occur.

If pneumonia becomes severe, a person may need to go to the hospital for oxygen. Injury and disease can cause loss of function in various parts of a person's body. Chronic inflammation is also to be expected in chronic disease. Proper diagnosis and treatment can go a long way in helping people manage these types of symptoms caused by chronic diseases.


6. Fatigue

Many illnesses can make people feel tired. It's worth noting that fatigue doesn't just mean feeling tired after a long period of sleep deprivation. Fatigue is when a person constantly feels exhausted, no matter how much rest they take. It is often described as having little energy for an extended period. People with chronic inflammation may also feel tired.

This is because the body is busy fighting off the infection. Inflammation can make people feel tired because their bodies are not functioning optimally. It's essential to see your doctor if you're constantly tired and need to figure out why. Fatigue is a primary symptom of many chronic diseases. It is vital that your doctor can help you determine the cause of this symptom so that the correct treatment can be instituted.

7. Insomnia

Some people suffer from what is called insomnia. Insomnia occurs when a person cannot fall asleep at all. Sometimes, a person can fall asleep but wakes up throughout the night and cannot go back to sleep. Insomnia can lead to many health problems. The body needs proper rest to heal. If you don't get enough sleep, your body doesn't have time to heal, leading to health problems. Chronic inflammation can also lead to insomnia.

Unfortunately, this chronic fatigue symptom can worsen things because the body doesn't have time to heal, increasing inflammation. If you have trouble sleeping, discussing it with your doctor to find out what's causing your insomnia is important.

8. Depression and Anxiety

Mental health is essential. Your sanity can cause many diseases. People with chronic inflammation may also suffer from mental disorders. Anxiety can cause the body to overreact to various stimuli. Inflammation occurs when the body overreacts. People with pain and other problems caused by chronic inflammation can also become depressed.

Pain alone can reduce a person's quality of life, especially if they lose the function of a body part. If you have chronic inflammation and are feeling hopeless, discussing this with your doctor is essential. Counseling can help alleviate some of the psychological problems caused by chronic inflammation. Some medicines can help relieve some of these symptoms.

9. Weight Gain

Weight gain is expected as we age. As a person ages, the metabolism starts to slow down. Over time, this can lead to weight gain. People with chronic inflammation may also notice weight gain. One reason is that chronic inflammation can make it challenging to get the exercise you need to stay healthy.

Additionally, many people with chronic inflammation are already overweight. It also increases your risk of other health problems, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, and heart disease. If you suffer from chronic inflammation, adopting a healthy diet can go a long way toward preventing weight gain; it can also help reduce many symptoms associated with chronic inflammation.

10. Infection

People with chronic inflammation are more likely to have systemic infections. Chronic inflammation weakens the immune system. Persistent inflammation throughout the body may result in a treatment focused on one area only. This can lead to other diseases. A weakened immune system means you are more likely to get infections.

Sinus infections, colds, and other ailments are common in people with chronic inflammation. The body cannot fight off these diseases due to the inflammation that occurs in the body. If you suffer from chronic inflammation anywhere in your body, identifying and treating the cause is essential. This can help improve your immune system and reduce your risk of other infections. Your doctor can help you determine your condition's best course of action.


11. Constipation

Depending on which body part is inflamed, a person may experience constipation. The appendix is a common area that can become inflamed and cause symptoms of constipation. If the appendix becomes inflamed, it is at risk of rupture, which can be dangerous. Constipation is a common symptom in people with chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. A blocked bowel can lead to a variety of health problems.

That's why it's essential to keep things going. You can try over-the-counter medications to relieve symptoms if you experience constipation due to chronic inflammation. Your doctor can help you determine the cause of your gastrointestinal problems. If inflammation is the cause, your doctor may prescribe medications to help reduce the symptoms you experience.

12. Diarrhea

On the other end of the spectrum from constipation is diarrhea. Some people with chronic inflammation develop diarrhea as a result. Diarrhea is usually the result of your body trying to get rid of an infection. This is a severe problem because it can make you not want to go anywhere for fear of having to use the bathroom. In addition, diarrhea can lead to dehydration and more health problems.

One of the most important things you can do if you have chronic inflammation and develop diarrhea is to ensure you drink enough fluids. Drinking plenty of fluids can help flush your system. It would help if you also discussed possible treatments for inflammation and diarrhea with your doctor. Some medicines are used to reduce inflammation, but they can also cause diarrhea.

13. Acid Reflux

Acid reflux occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. This may cause a person to feel a burning sensation in the chest. Acid reflux is often called heartburn, even though it has nothing to do with the heart. The stomach contains a powerful acid that breaks down food and protects it from bacteria. People with chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract often experience symptoms of heartburn.

Discussing it with your doctor is essential if you suffer from frequent acid reflux. This symptom should not be ignored because it can damage the esophagus and lead to infection. It can also be a sign of other severe medical conditions. Medications can help relieve some painful and uncomfortable feelings associated with heartburn.

14. Sepsis

Chronic inflammation can lead to a variety of health problems. When inflammation is severe, people may often experience other signs and symptoms. When inflammation is caused by disease, a complication called sepsis may result. Sepsis occurs when the body's immune system is overwhelmed. When the immune system is overwhelmed, it can respond in potentially dangerous ways. In this condition, a person may feel exhausted and very ill.

If you have chronic inflammation and notice you are more tired than usual and not feeling well, you must see your doctor immediately. This may indicate that your immune system is overreacting and you need treatment for sepsis. Sepsis can be life-threatening if left untreated.