13 Frequent Symptoms of Scalp Infection

The skin on the scalp is very unique. One of the reasons for this is the density of hair follicles on the head. The sebum production on the scalp is also high. These unique characteristics make the scalp more susceptible to fungal diseases, parasitic infections, and inflammatory diseases.

These scalp conditions share similar clinical presentations, including inflammation, hair loss, and scaling, which means a proper diagnosis is essential. The scalp can become infected when bacteria or fungi enter the scalp through the hair follicles. If the skin on the scalp is damaged in any way, bacteria can enter through scratches or lesions.

When the scalp becomes infected, a person can experience various symptoms. The type of symptoms depends on the type of bacteria causing the infection. If you have a scalp problem, here are some of the most common symptoms.

1. Blisters

One of the most common symptoms of all types of scalp infections is the formation of blisters on the scalp. Many people may not realize something is wrong because sometimes the blisters are minor and go away on their own. However, if you scratch your head and one of the blisters bursts, an opening is formed, and an infection can develop.

If you notice an itchy scalp with pus or other material on your scalp, you most likely have a scalp infection. During this time, it is vital to keep your scalp clean. It is essential to have your doctor examine your scalp to determine the cause of the blisters and possible infection. Proper treatment is necessary for any condition you are dealing with.


2. Redness

If any part of your body turns red, it could be a sign of something wrong. Often, reddened skin is a sign of inflammation. This is one of the body's first reactions to foreign objects. You most likely have some infection if you notice redness on your scalp. Some types of scalp infections go away within a few days.

In other cases, when the infection becomes more severe, a person may need to see a doctor to diagnose and treat the problem correctly. It could be an allergic reaction if you've recently tried a new shampoo or other hair care product and noticed redness on your scalp. If you stop using a new product for a few days and the redness disappears, you'll know it might be the cause.

3. Pain

There are many reasons why a person may experience head pain. If you have a scalp infection, you may notice that some regions of your scalp are sensitive. You may even experience pain when a site is touched. This could indicate a problem with your scalp. It could be as simple as bumping your head and scraping your scalp.

However, pain on the top of the head not caused by a lump could be a sign of a scalp infection or other condition. If you have sensitive spots on your scalp that don't go away after a few days, it's best to see your doctor to evaluate the problem. Many underlying health conditions could be the cause.

4. Hot

Another common symptom of scalp inflammation is a hot scalp. Again, this is often a symptom of inflammation. Whenever an area of your body feels warmer than the rest, there is likely inflammation in that area.

The body uses inflammation to respond to foreign objects. This means that if one part of your body is inflamed, there may be a problem in that area.

If you notice that your scalp feels warm, along with some other symptoms, you most likely have an infection and need to see your doctor to determine the underlying cause. Getting the proper treatment is crucial to managing any condition you may have.

5. Skin peeling

It is widespread for people to have dry, scaly skin. This condition is more common in winter when the air is dry. Dry air can cause the skin to peel. This is especially true when it comes to the scalp. The shampoo you use when you wash your hair can also cause your dry scalp.

If you have a dry scalp, you may notice dandruff flakes off your scalp when you brush your hair. Shaving the skin of your scalp puts you at risk of infection because the scratches open up, and bacteria can enter the scalp and cause other problems. Special anti-dandruff shampoo is one way to treat a dry scalp. This can also reduce your risk of infection.

6. Skin rash

You may notice a rash on your face or neck. Rashes on the scalp are more complex to spot due to hair on the head. If you see a rash elsewhere, you should also check your scalp. If you notice redness or other discolored patches of skin on your head, you most likely have some scalp or other infection.

If you develop any unexplained rashes on your body, it's best to see your doctor. A rash usually indicates something is wrong with your body. Your doctor can determine what's causing your inflammation, then prescribe the proper medication to relieve your symptoms and improve your health.

7. Bald spots

Another symptom that people may notice when suffering from a scalp infection is unexplained hair loss in specific head areas. When you get a scalp infection, it usually happens in the hair follicles. When hair follicles are damaged, hair growth is stunted.

This means the infection can cause bald spots on your head. If you notice that your hair is falling out quickly, and specific areas of your head are now bald, you most likely have some scalp infection causing your hair to stop growing. There are many treatment options for this disease, and you should discuss your options with your doctor. In most cases, the sooner you seek treatment for a scalp infection, the better.

8. Ringworm

One type of scalp infection that a person may experience is ringworm. This is a fungal infection. It's called ringworm because it leaves ring-shaped patches on your skin. It can affect any part of the body, including the scalp. When ringworm develops on a person's scalp, it's called tinea capitis. When this occurs on the scalp, bald patches may form on the head.

The scalp in bald spots can become red and scaly. This type of infection is more common in children than adults. It can be spread by animals, other people, or wet environments such as public swimming pools. To reduce the risk of this infection, someone should not share towels or other personal items with someone with the problem. Treating this type of scalp infection usually requires a doctor to prescribe an antifungal medication.


9. Folliculitis

Hair is found all over the body, and the scalp grows from hair follicles. When hair follicles are damaged, bacteria can enter the body through the hair follicles. When hair follicles become infected, it's called folliculitis. Pulling or shaving hair on the scalp can lead to folliculitis.

The condition can also be caused by wearing tight hats, prolonged exposure to hot and humid skin, and frequent scalp touching. Symptoms of folliculitis include pain in the area of ​​the hair follicle infection.

People may also notice itching in the area. If you notice red and itchy spots on your scalp, it's best to see your doctor. Putting a warm washcloth on the site will help open the pores and clear the infection. In some cases, medications may be needed to clear the infection.

10. Impetigo

Several types of bacteria live on the skin. One type of bacteria that is commonly found on the skin is Streptococcus. This form of the bacteria can cause impetigo if it enters the body. The disease is spread by coughing, sneezing, touching objects, and skin-to-skin contact. Regular hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of impetigo.

Impetigo most often occurs on the face, around the nose, and mouth. However, it can affect any part of the body where skin damage occurs. This skin condition can occur on the scalp, causing red sores on the head. These sores burst, leaving brown or yellow scabs. Blisters are usually painful and itchy. If you develop such blisters on your head, you need to seek medical attention.

11. Scalp psoriasis

When a person's immune system goes wrong, they may develop a condition called scalp psoriasis. People who smoke have a higher risk of developing this disease. People with scalp psoriasis have red skin with thick patches and possibly silvery scales. This condition causes an itchy and often uncomfortable scalp.

If you notice these patches on your scalp, your doctor may recommend several treatments. Light therapy can often help treat these types of scalp infections. Topical skin creams can also be applied to the area where a scalp infection occurs. Skin injuries, smoking, and stress can all cause outbreaks. Therefore, it is helpful to avoid these triggers when trying to relieve the symptoms of this type of scalp infection.

12. Lichen planus

Another skin infection that can occur on the scalp is lichen planus. This condition causes a person to develop red or purple shiny patches. While it's uncommon for this condition to appear on the scalp, it does happen. When people build lichen planus on their scalp, they often experience an inflamed scalp and thinning hair in the affected area.

A bump may also appear on the infected scalp area. This type of infection has no apparent cause and usually disappears without treatment. However, lichen planus can be very uncomfortable, so some people use antihistamines and other topical treatments to relieve some of the symptoms they experience. Doctors may prescribe phototherapy, corticosteroid injections or pills, or retinoic acid cream to relieve symptoms.

13. Scleroderma

Scleroderma is relatively rare, but it does happen. This happens when the body produces too much collagen. The growth of collagen can cause the skin to become tighter and thicker than usual. When this happens, the tissue usually disappears under the thicker skin, leaving a line on the face or scalp. This condition can be very uncomfortable due to tightening the skin on the front and scalp.

This infection is thought to be related to a disorder of the immune system. If you have these lines on your face or scalp, talk to your doctor about possible treatments. Your doctor may suggest medications, phototherapy, or fillers to restore the skin to its original appearance. It is best to seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause of this condition.